Natasha Meikle

Why did you get into Fitness (CrossFit)?

I played competitive sports my whole life, but despite being regular at a big box gym, I still craved intensity and competition.  After seeing videos in Crossfit I decided to try it out and was instantly hooked!

Why did you become a Coach?

I love fitness and I love people!  I am always inspired by seeing members crush their goals and I want to help people achieve their goals.  I’ve learned so much through our members and I want to share that knowledge with others.

Favourite movement/exercise?

Double unders, Handstands, push ups, thrusters, Hang Cleans

Favourite Cheat Meal?

Chocolate and Pasta!

Favourite Superhero and why?

Wonder Woman! Not only is she a badass but she’s smart, wise, and compassionate.