Only 2 Things you need to focus on.
There’s so much information out there on the World Wide Web and social media these days it’s hard to ever know what’s right and what to do first!
Everyone of us always thinks there’s some secret or some new thing that someone posts that will give them the body they always wanted-stop looking!
No amount of sauna, cold plunge, ridiculous movements no-one has ever heard of is going to make the biggest impact. Only 2 things; eat clean whole foods and move your body with purpose EVERY SINGLE DAY.
That’s it. Everything else is extra and supplemental BUT if you’re not eating clean whole food every meal (and it doesn’t matter you eat 2 or 4 meals) and exercising in some form each and everyday all these so called Bio-Hacks mean nothing.
Take this week (no matter if you have an event, vacation, or birthday) and ask yourself honestly did I eat enough healthy food (and zero junk) and did I move with purpose each and everyday. If the answer is no for any day-start there.
Nobody is perfect and you don’t have to be BUT if you want to make changes start with these 2 very simple things before looking for other reasons you’re not achieving your goals.