The Weekend has Arrived!

The Mighty Free for All Weekend is upon us!

Will you be discipline or binge eat? Will you have those extra snacks and move your body less? 

For most of us the weekend is our Nemesis!! We allow ourselves to think (especially as we get older and no one there to tell us NO!) that we deserve to eat WHATEVER WE WANT because we earned it.

Unhealthy Food is not a prize.  Ive heard every reason imaginable to why we had to eat something not good for Us. 

The goal doesn’t have to be a 6 pack but maybe being healthier.  What we put into our bodies has a greater effect than we think-now and in the future.  

So get out there and move your body (you don’t have to be a ‘Weekend Warrior’ and crush races) but go for that extra bike ride, walk, or do some squats and sit ups! These two days can be just as important as the past 5!