L5 Blog is back!

L5 Blog series is back and we will be talking about topics like Health Habits, Benefits of regular exercise, and a bunch of Tips and Tricks to keep you moving the needle on your Health and Fitness journey!

Today is a short a sweet one-Move your body-multiple times a day!

Seems easy enough but in todays world of at home working and endless options of movie and tv channels to choose from we find ourselves moving less!

Take breaks, get up, go for a short walk, do some jumping jacks, and get your heart rate going! Keep things simple and start easy-it’s not rocket science!

Remember even those of you who go the gym for an hour a day-you’re only burning around 500 Cals and if you stay stationary the other 23 hours of the day it may be not enough to keep the weight off, burn fat, and/or loose weight.

So stop what you are doing and hit the deck with some squats or push ups!